
Ci piace pensare a  una moda più democratica,  in cui i brand tornino a dialogare con i propri utenti, dove blogger e appassionati siano portavoci di tendenze e opinioni, in cui ci sia spazio per gli esordienti, per le proposte, per i confronti e anche per le critiche costruttive.

Se mangi moda, bevi moda e respiri moda, questo è l’evento che fa per te.
Se sei interessato ai blog, lavori nei social media,  il podcast, i video nel web, se sviluppi contenuti per mobile ,  apps , ti occupi  di advertising esperienziale  e sei interessato a capire come il mondo della moda si inserisce in questo contesto, unisciti a noi.
Se fai parte di chi la moda etica la sta già facendo, vieni a darci la tua testimonianza.
Se sei una giornalista, un blogger, lavori in tv o in radio vieni e prendi parte al dialogo. Poi raccontalo a tutti gli altri.

Il FashionCamp ospiterà una serie di unconferences e workshop:  nei primi si parla (e si ascolta), nei secondi, invece, “si fa”.

Per partecipare al FashionCamp iscriviti attraverso il  Wiki o attraverso Eventbrite

Per gli eventi speciali e le performance artistiche contatta direttamente lo staff scrivendo a

We like to think of a more democratic fashion, where brands want to talk to their users, bloggers and fashion lovers become spokespeople for opinions and trends, where there are new opportunities for young designers and a chance to compare ideas and express constructive criticism.
If you eat, drink and breathe fashion, this is YOUR event.
If you like blogs or work through social media, podcast or web videos, if you develop mobile content and apps and/or work with experiential advertising, if you are interested in understanding how the fashion industry fits with these new contexts, please join us.
If you are already supporting and making ethical fashion, please come and share your experience.
If you are a fashion editor or blogger, if you work in the TV or radio industry, come and be part of our forum, then share your experience with everybody else.
Although we have thought about some topics we would like to discuss, please feel free to propose other ideas. If you are competent in one of the topics already on our schedule, please contact us, and we will provide you with the opportunity to speak.
FashionCamp will host several un-conferences and workshops. During the un-conferences you can speak and listen, during the workshops you can actually try some “hands-on” work.
If you want to take part in the FashionCamp, please register through our Wiki page or EventBrite.
For special events and artistic performances, please contact the FashionCamp staff directly at